Join as an NGO, Expert or Volunteer

We invite all NGOs, experts and ordinary citizens to state their support, or join our coalition to contribute to and help steer this ambitious and potentially historical endeavor.

We need you to contribute ideas and operational capacity to improve, deepen and extend our coalition, so it will succeed in attracting soon a critical mass of globally diverse states to take it over democratically and openly.

We invite you to apply to join our Working Groups, join as a attendee or speaker (remote or in-person) of our hybrid 1st Harnessing AI Risk Summit, on November 20-21st in Geneva, or its hybrid 2nd Pre-Summit on September 27th in Geneva.

As per our roadmap, we are currently especially seeking to onboard 3-5 leading NGOs and several experts from all around the world, with advanced expertise in the area of AI governance or safety, or global democratic governance.

All NGOs are invited to apply to join the initial six as partners of the coalition by signing our simple partnership agreement (pdf and docx), and applying to join its Interim Secretariat. We are seeking to reach a highly globally diverse mix for geopolitical, gender and race balance.

As we are seeking proper and neutral funding, we generally expect well-funded NGOs interested to join as partners of the coalition to contribute an annual fee equivalent to 0.5% of their yearly revenue, if that is above $200K.

If interested, fill out the forms below or reach out for inquiries at

If unable to fill the form, but still interested to join or partner in other ways, send us an email at