Join Us as a Donor

Our Mission Needs Your Support

The Coalition for a Baruch Plan on AI is committed to facilitating a democratic, expert-led treaty-making process to establish a suitable global governance of AI. Our work is crucial in mitigating the risks of uncontrolled AI development and ensuring its benefits are shared equitably across humanity.

Current Funding Status

As a newly formed coalition, we are currently operating without external funding. Our progress so far has been made possible through the dedication and voluntary efforts of our founding members and partners. Since July 1st, we started submitting funding applications, including to the Survival and Flourish Fund and Future of Life Institute. Starting from a September 26th event in Geneva, we’ll be presenting the initiative to several Rotary Clubs.

Why We Need Your Support

To achieve our ambitious goals, we need financial support. Funding will enable us to:

  1. Expand our operational capacity

  2. Engage and onboard relevant stakeholders: states, AI labs, and civil society

  3. Powercharge our 1st Harnessing AI Risk Summit with a more fitting media and venue

  4. Develop educational materials and public awareness campaigns

  5. Conduct research and produce policy proposals

Main Benefits of Joining as a Donor Partner

  • Being recognised as an Founding Donor Partner will affirm your legacy for decades to come. Engagement in this endeavor places you at the leading edge of transformative change, offering an unparalleled chance to spearhead and shape a better future and maintain a deep personal satisfaction.

  • Join a community and movement of distinguished and accomplished individuals:

    • Collaborate with world renowned experts, technologists and policy makers

    • Engage in or host “CBPAI Chapter” events in your city

    • Receive invitations to exclusive social events during our Harnessing AI Risk Summits, including preliminary gatherings in Geneva and other locations

    • Apply to participate as a speaker to our events

How You Can Help

We are actively seeking funding from individuals, organizations, and institutions that share our vision for responsible AI governance. Your support, no matter the size, can make a significant difference.

Ways to Contribute:

  • Direct donations

  • Grants and partnerships

  • In-kind support

If you're interested in supporting our mission financially or through other means, please contact us at

Together, we can shape a future where AI benefits all of humanity.