Team and Governance

The Coalition is provisionally governed by a Secretariat (Interim) made up of the six NGOs and initiatives, leaders in the domain of strong and democratic global governance of AI, that have joined the coalition on July 1st, issued a joint announcement on September 3rd, and are actively involve on a weekly basis.

Daily activities are lead by an Executive Committee (Interim)of full-time and part-time volunteers, and soon by members of newly-established Working Groups.


Trustless Computing Association is a Geneva-based international non-profit dedicated since 2015 to facilitating a democratic, timely and efficient treaty-making process to create proper global federal governance of AI and digital communication - primarily through its Harnessing AI Risk Initiative. Led by its founder and executive director Rufo Guerreschi, it is the original Convenor of this Coalition. 

Transnational Working Group on AI of the World Federalist Movement (WFM), an organization established in 1947, and since then one of the foremost NGOs in global federal democratization. It was the Convenor of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court of 2500 NGOs that led to the signing by 125 states. They have produced outstanding reports, proposals and analysis on the global governance of AI. Robert Whitfield is the Chairman of its Working Group for AI. is an initiative to advance the development and ratification of an international AI treaty to reduce the catastrophic risks of AI and ensure the benefits of AI for all. Led by Tolga Bilge, hosted an influential open letter for the same signed by hundreds of top AI experts. It is currently looking to establish itself as an NGO.

PauseAI is an international non-profit promoting a Proposal for a powerful global democratic organization to regulate AI. It has gained comprehensive mainstream media coverage, and is widely known in US/US AI safety circles. Led by Joep Meindertsma, it has catalyzed extensive youth active volunteer engagement around the world.

International Congress for the Governance of Artificial Intelligence (ICGAI) an international  initiative (now dormant, active 2018 and 2021) that brought together impressive and globally diverse advisors and speakers to advance a participatory global governance of AI. Founded and co-led by Wendell Wallach, from Yale and Carnegie Council, and board member at TCA. It is currently a dormant initiative, looking to establish itself as an NGO.

European Center for Peace and Development and University of Peace of the United Nations (ECPD). Established in 1979 by the UN General Assembly, it is a leading educational, research and advocacy institution for the promotion of global peace, reconciliation, socio-economic development and international cooperation. Led by its Executive Director Negoslav J. Ostojìc.

CBPAI (City) Chapters

We are seeking volunteers to establish “CBPAI chapters” in their cities, starting from Geneva and Rome. If interested, reach out to us at

Executive Committee


We are actively seeking for suitable partners to join and support us. If interested in becoming one of our initial donors, see our page for prospective donors.

Working Groups

Interested to join one of the working groups? A minimum of 5 hours of availability every two months is required. Apply here.

  • Treaty-Making and Constituent Process WG. Deepen the analysis and prescriptions for the treaty-making and constituent processes that are optimal and realistic to achieve the objectives of the Coalition.

    • Chairman: TBD

    • Members: TBD

  • AI Safety WG. Deepen the socio-technical analysis and prescriptions required to specify a proper mandate for the constituent assembly, in regards to an agency of the resulting global organization that will regulate safe AI and reliably ban unsafe ones on a global basis.

    • Chairman: TBD

    • Members: TBD

  • IT Security WG. Deepen the socio-technical analysis and prescriptions required to specify a proper mandate for the constituent assembly, in regards to an agency of the resulting global organization that will develop and regulate sufficiently trustworthy and widely trusted “governance support" systems, for advanced AI services and critical communication infrastructure.

    • Chairman: TBD

    • Members: TBD

  • Lilienthal-Acheson Report for AI WG. Deepen the analysis and prescriptions required to specify a proper mandate for the constituent assembly, in regards to the assessment of the main risks of AI, military and civilian, the technical, socio-technical and political feasibility of reliable enforcement of global controls. Work will be Inspired by 1946 Lilienthal-Acheson Report that paved the way for the Baruch Plan.

    • Chairman: TBD

    • Members: TBD

  • Global Public Benefit AI Lab WG. Deepen the analysis and prescriptions for the creation of a democratically-governed public-private consortium, made up of entities participating in the new global organization, to build a global lab and ecosystem to jointly create, regulate and exploit the most capable and safe AI systems.

    • Chairman: TBD

    • Members: TBD

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