Initial Interest by States

While the Coalition was launched on September 10th, 2024, substantial interest shown by several states and NGOs for the Harnessing AI Risk Initiative - an initiative by the Trustless Computing Association, convenor of the Coalition - that shares its main core goals and methods with the Coalition.

Over the last five months:

  • We held several bilateral and multilateral meetings with interested states, especially from Africa and Europe, including a number of ambassadors to the UN in Geneva or their domain experts.

  • We received formal written interest from the mission of the largest regional intergovernmental organization to the UN.

  • We have met and are actively engaged with two large EU member states, at the foreign ministry and the office of the prime minister levels.

Details are available on qualified request.

As per our roadmap and strategy, once we have onboarded a good number of leading and diverse experts and NGOs, starting September, we’ll reach out to states with our offer for them including inviting them to to several events to bilateral, multilateral meeting that we’ll be organizing autonomously and at global conferences, especially the 1st Harnessing AI Risk Summit, to be held in hybrid format this November 20-21st, 2024, in Geneva.

PS: Given that so much of the expertise of AI is in a few private AI firms, it is of notice that, many of the leading US ones have called clearly and repeatedly for a global democratic governance of AI and a global AI lab. In line with that, in early 2024, we received preliminary interest by three of the top five AI labs regarding participation in an open, democratically-governed, public-private and partly-decentralized Global Public Benefit AI Lab, akin to the international atomic energy infrastructure foreseen by the Baruch Plan in 1946.