
Current Funding Status

As a newly formed coalition, we are currently operating without any external funding. Our progress so far has been made possible through the dedication and voluntary efforts of our six founding partners, and especially members of the Executive Committee. Since July 1st, we started submitting funding applications, including to the Survival and Flourish Fund and to Future of Life Institute.

Fundraising Strategy

We are seeking funding starting from $ 80,000, which enables us to confirm and host our 1st Harnessing AI Risk Summit in Geneva in November, to $ 5,000,000, to sustain our efforts over a three plan to realize our strategy and roadmap.


In order to minimize the influence of funding sources on the Coalition activities, we aim to (a) maximize the geopolitical diversity of funding and (b) maximize the chance of receiving funding for the full three years required to complete the project.

Ways to Contribute:

  • Direct donations

  • Grants and partnerships

  • In-kind support

For more , please refer to our Webpage for Donors.

Together, we can shape a future where AI benefits all of humanity.